[TowerTalk] Antenna matching values

K7LXC--- via TowerTalk towertalk at contesting.com
Thu Apr 24 11:48:23 EDT 2014

>>Of course it might be something else, but it's probably  a
>> mistake to mess with other parts of the system (like gamma  matches;-)
>> without first having checked ALL the coax cables and  shield connections.

>  N6BT made a similar comment as part of a  talk at Pacificon a year or 
ago. Specifically, he described a problem  caused by junk coax.
    Yessireebob. I haven't seen too many 'antenna'  problems but the few 
that I have had were all something other than the antenna;  e.g. bad coax, bad 
switch, bad jumper, bed meter, etc. 
Steve       K7LXC

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