[TowerTalk] Raunchy pictures yet again

Gary Smith Gary at ka1j.com
Wed Apr 30 16:20:31 EDT 2014

My two centavos,

As has been mentioned, the only way people have gotten these from 
this list is after posting. Apparently this is a relatively new 
experience and I only got mine (two of them) after I posted about 
using Spambayes as a spam filter. 

Since this is new and only happens after somebody posts, my thought 
is someone new to the list was either a spammer or a web spider 
designed to search for various forums to join into. When someone 
posts, that email is received by all the members including the 
newcomer who has probably never posted. When they get that post, 
their software then sends out the photos of the pretty girls to that 
address only.

If I'm correct on this then the first person who got emails from this 
spamer got them just after that spamer signed up. So who was the 
first to get the SPAM? If that person can be identified then it's a 
pretty safe bet that working by the timeline for who joined up, you 
can find the spammer. Especially if its someone who has not yet 
posted to the list. 

Maybe the list manager has access to this timeline data. The first IO 
remember hearing of it was from Scott, N1CX who mentioned getting one 
Subject:	Re: [TowerTalk] Keeping antennas straight
Date sent:	Sat, 19 Apr 2014 21:19:44 -0400

If someone got one before that and didn't mention it, that would help 
narrow the time line to find the address the spammer used and cut 
them off.



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