[TowerTalk] Tower cost estimate?

Mickey Baker fishflorida at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 13:45:59 EDT 2014

Hi, Stan,

This is going to be variable based on where your live (wind code,
engineering and permitting) and what the antenna wind load is.

For example, here is a self standing 45' 45G kit:
Look at the bottom of the page for a table of towers, wind speed and wind
loads. This is the tallest unguyed 45G that the manufacturer specifies.

$1700 + shipping, maybe another $800.

Figure an additional $1,000, at least, for engineering, permitting and
construction costs. It goes up from there, but it appears that your QTH is
pretty far inland, so you might be .

So, ballpark as a low estimate if you do everything yourself, $3500. Before
I did any research, I guessed $5k. You might be able to get in for less.


Mickey N4MB

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Stan Labinsky Jr. <K2STN at frontier.com>

> Hi all, I need to get a rough estimate of what it would cost to install a
> ground mounted, self supporting 55 to 60 foot tower, supporting a 6 meter
> ground plane.
> Cost would include... say a run of LMR400 with proper tower and cable
> grounding and an entrance panel.  Would Rohn45 be up to that task?
> Location; up in the hills of northern New Jersey.
> Thanks for your help,
> Stan
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Mickey Baker, N4MB
Fort Lauderdale, FL
*“Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will understand. Involve me,
and I will learn.” *Teton Lakota, American Indian Saying.

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