[TowerTalk] Securing a Rohn BPL45 Base Plate

Earl Morse kz8e at wt.net
Fri Aug 8 18:12:22 EDT 2014

That's my favorite way to secure a Rohn45.  Especially when you move, you only leave the pier pin, guy anchors and concrete at the old QTH.

The pin holds the base from sliding laterally and allows the tower to pivot so there is less stress on the tower legs.  I would expect that any pin that fits the hole of the BPL45 plate would be sufficient.  Be sure you have enough pin in the concrete so it doesn't break out.  The tower isn't going to hop up and unhook itself from the pin with the guys pulling down on it.  There isn't a lot of sideways pressure on the pin so I doubt you could shear it without first breaking a guy wire.  The downward pressure is all on the concrete base.

Hardest part of having the pin is temporary guying of the first sections of tower during erection before you get to the first set of guys.  

Can't say how much it costs for the pin now but it was pretty cheap buying the official one from Rohn, it is solid and comes galvanized.


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 19:35:50 -0700
From: Byron Tatum <bjtatum1 at att.net>
To: "TowerTalk at contesting.com" <TowerTalk at contesting.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Securing a Rohn BPL45 Base Plate
	<1407465350.22059.YahooMailNeo at web181503.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

?? I plan to install a Rohn 45-G tower on an existing concrete base. (The concrete base is actually larger than the base specified for my planned?height.)
?? I wanted to ask what would be an acceptable method of anchoring the base plate? I know that for a newly-poured base you would install the 3/4" x 12" pier pin. Would a strong 3/4" concrete anchor bolt be acceptable?
?? Thought I would ask as I have never been faced with this.
??????? Thank you,
?????????? Byron WA5THJ


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