[TowerTalk] short survey

Alan NV8A nv8a at charter.net
Wed Aug 27 17:45:19 EDT 2014

I never started. When we moved here, this was the first opportunity I'd 
ever had to put up a tower. At first I thought of getting an AN Wireless 
tower that would have to be climbed, and I bought steel-shank boots and 
a DBI Sala full harness in readiness, but the more I thought about, the 
less I liked the idea, so I bought a tilt-over telescoping tower 
instead. Now 73 and not sorry.


Alan NV8A

On 08/27/14 12:54 pm, Hans Hammarquist via TowerTalk wrote:
> My wife wants to know how may of us are still climbing our own tower after age 68. If you don't any longer, please tell when you stopped. (Now I gave my age away)

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