[TowerTalk] short survey

Wayne Kline w3ea at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 27 21:38:28 EDT 2014

 Age  66 years Young  Still Climb..... but my ventures are now Well planed  and duplicates of each nut, bolts, nuts, washers and wrenches .
My Wife/Bride    has one rule..... a two deep... and not alone....
I have 5 towers  40'  6mtr / 144/450 FM  ,  78'  5/5 Rohn  25,    100' Rohn 25  5/5/5  !5 meter ( is a lay over but climb it most times unless a total re do  )
100' Rohn 25  40 meter tower with 160 Meter  Loop, also a lay over but climb for rotor repair .  150' of Rohn 65  5/5/5 20 meter. Climb  this one the most because of the two Tic Rings     But the BIG steps between  rungs  @ 21 3/8 "  compared to  25, 45 and 55   @ 15 1/5"  which  more comfortable...  But  GOD Bless the fellow Ham,s who climb and work on AB-!05 with out lateral cross braces ... I have chewed more the one pair of boots and the  wedged cross angles  :( 
 Wayne   W3EA   

> My wife wants to know how may of us are still climbing our own tower after 
> age 68. If you don't any longer, please tell when you stopped. (Now I gave 
> my age away)
> Best 73 de,
> Hans - N2JFS

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