[TowerTalk] Push Up Towers

EZ Rhino EZRhino at fastmovers.biz
Thu Aug 28 18:38:59 EDT 2014

Here's some pictures:


On Aug 28, 2014, at 14:50 , Jim Lux wrote:

On 8/28/14, 6:45 AM, Chris wrote:
> Boy you're not kidding about the muscles part!  My buddy has the aluminum spidermast, and although it is well made, it is beyond difficult to push up with even the lightweight spiderbeam on top.  If you have any kind of wind it adds  downforce on the mast in addition to the existing weight and friction between telescoping sections.  My buddy came up with a jack system to push the sections up mechanically, which helped a great deal, but added complexity and extra steps to the process.

Do you have any details on the jacking arrangement?

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