[TowerTalk] Adding 160 to an 80M dipole?

Gary - AB9M glhuber at msn.com
Wed Dec 17 14:45:26 EST 2014

A Butternut HF-2V with 160 meter mod kit and top loaded (all 40 Meter 
loading shorted out) over two dozen 66 foot radials over glacial moraine 
pond bottom black soil over water bearing clay, has served me well for 
thirty years for 40-80-160. With it I've worked lots of DX... only 10 to 15 
kHz bandwidth on 160 but a TT Automatic Antenna Coupler handles the QSY.

No traps in the antenna and soil conditions under the vertical have worked 
in my favor even though the antenna is short at 33 feet.

73 & DX,

Gary - AB9M

-----Original Message----- 
From: Jim Brown
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 1:22 PM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Adding 160 to an 80M dipole?

On Wed,12/17/2014 10:46 AM, RLVZ--- via TowerTalk wrote:
> I  thought the short vertical would do better on DX, but the short
> vertical was down 10-20dB in every case.

Did you have a good radial or counterpoise system on it? That's needed
to minimize loss in the soil near the base of the antenna. Salt water
helps (a lot) in the far field, but the soil under the antenna can burn
a lot of RF that never gets to the far field.

73, Jim K9YC

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