[TowerTalk] north
Charles Gallo
charlie at thegallos.com
Thu Dec 25 16:07:41 EST 2014
Everyone is missing the easiest way. Put up the plastic owl, and rotate it slowly every day till the pigeons no longer roost, and THAT is true north
I've found a good way to stop the pigeons from roosting on my antenna about a week ago, or should I say it found me. A local red tail hawk that nests about 1/3 mile away has discovered the pigeons. He started taking a pigeon or so a day from my yard or antenna. For some reason, the pigeons have been reduced in number by a lot more than the number he has eaten. Man the feathers fly when he hits the bird...
73 de KG2V
> On Dec 25, 2014, at 3:53 PM, Don <w7wll at arrl.net> wrote:
> Dang! Don't 'cha you just love what science brings to our everyday table. Sixty years of hamming and I never knew my old eyeballing of my yagi's were so imprecise, ashamed! Must be way I couldn't break some of the east coast curtain pileups from time to time.
> I will start paying attention to the walkers and their dogs down in the village. Suspect I will have to be fast though if I want to get a good bearing from a local dog (I have a cat but think they are more direction aligned to the direction of the kitty litter box). Perhaps someone has some information on that. Hope the ladies don't think I'm bit daft sneaking up behind their pooches.
> Will try the solar noon trick when we see some sun next Spring.
> What a great site for information.
> Hope Santa brought what you all wanted.
> Don W7WLL
> -----Original Message----- From: RMorris
> Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 10:47 AM
> Cc: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] north
>> On Dec 25, 2014, at 1:39 AM, Spencer wrote:
>> In the northern hemisphere, the shadow of a vertical object at solar noon will point north.
>> Spencer W1GAK
> Since about every subject comes around twice a year, I'll repeat the north finding method reported six months ago, without cell phones, stars, and sticks.
> http://www.livescience.com/42317-dogs-poop-along-north-south-magnetic-lines.html
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/watching-them-poop-researchers-discover-that-dogs-can-sense-which-way-is-north/2014/01/26/26f7f85e-83ae-11e3-bbe5-6a2a3141e3a9_story.html
> http://news.discovery.com/animals/pets/dogs-have-a-butt-compass-poop-facing-ns-pole-140102.htm
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