[TowerTalk] multiple antennas on same tower

Jorge Diez - CX6VM cx6vm.jorge at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 16:40:58 EST 2014



Thinking on fixed antennas to avoid rotor problems, I have a question/doubt.


if I have a stack of 3 antennas (15 mts monobanders) on the same tower, how
worst will be to add a second stack of 3 antennas on the same tower at 6 ft
of separation each one?


For example, a stack fixed to Europe at 50/100/150 ft. Then I add a stack
fixed to USA at 48/98/148


This is possible or will damage the performance?


Will use any combination, each stack at a given time for quick switch
between Europe and USA and also will want to use both stacks at the same





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