[TowerTalk] T2X Tail Twister rotator freezes

jcjacobsen at q.com jcjacobsen at q.com
Mon Jul 21 15:34:27 EDT 2014

Gary has a sticky T2X tail twister: 


Once upon a time, a long time ago, I got my hands on a small container of Low Temp Grease for the Ham IV/TT family of rotators. It was almost like Vaseline in consistency, and a little went a looooong way on the rebuild. Might be able to get it from MFJ/Hy-Gain, or any of the other rotor repair places listed previously. 

Oh, good luck chasing ball bearings, IF'N you don't use a shallow box, old jelly roll pan or a large beach towel under the rotor when you pull it apart. <GRIN> 

K9WN Jake 

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