[TowerTalk] Tower and Ladder Line Interaction

Kelley kshaddrick at jetup.net
Sat Jul 26 10:54:02 EDT 2014

Thanks for all the input, I appreciate it. I was planning to place the 
ladder at least 2' from one of the tower faces, so I think I'll stick 
with that and see how it goes.

Kelley - WØRK

On 7/23/2014 10:06 AM, Kelley wrote:
> I have a Rohn HDBX 48 with a tribander at the top. I don't have much 
> in the way of lower band antennas. I was thinking of adding an 
> inverted V, with the apex at the top of the tower, fed with ladder 
> line to a remote tuner near the bottom of the tower.
> However, I'm concerned about the interaction between the tower and the 
> ladder line. Some of the info I've read suggests it's not that big of 
> a deal as long as the ladder line is a few inches from the metal. 
> Other info I've read suggests otherwise.
> I there a "minimum safe distance" between a tower and ladder line? Or, 
> is running ladder line parallel to a metal tower just a bad thing at 
> any distance? Anyone have any experience with this?
> Thanks,

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