[TowerTalk] ICOM AH-4 Antenna Options...
David Jordan
wa3gin at comcast.net
Tue Jun 17 12:45:39 EDT 2014
There are operators with similar scenarios to yours where the operator
builds a nice mobile station and operates remote to the mobile or if the
operator lives on the 1st fl of the apartment, condo, or townhome I've seen
them run some LMR240 out to the vehicle... lots of ways to go these days.
Internet Remote for the past 14 yrs!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Hearn" <n5ardxcc at gmail.com>
To: "Dino Darling" <dino at kx6d.com>
Cc: "towertalk reflector" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] ICOM AH-4 Antenna Options...
> Hi Dino: Many years ago when I first got my license I lived in a 2 story
> house with attic. I installed a 20 m dipole in the attic. Every time I
> closed my key the light bulb in the downstairs kitchen would light and I
> interfered with the downstairs BC radio. The antenna was obviously
> coupling
> to the power wiring nearby.
> I assume that the 4 story condo you mentioned will have other families in
> some of the other units. They will have phones, stereos, Tv's etc. You can
> expect severe interference, particularly bad with some of the unbalanced
> antennas you mentioned.
> If I were you I would look into a remote station controlled and operated
> over the internet. You can either build your own or there are now a number
> of remote stations which you can rent to operate.
> 73, Dan, N5AR
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 10:25 PM, Dino Darling <dino at kx6d.com> wrote:
>> Greetings!
>> I will be installing an AH-4, paired with an ICOM 9100, in the attic of
>> a 4-story condo. My original plan was to set up either a 20M or 40M
>> dipole, one off of each leg (center and gnd) of the AH-4. Then I
>> thought, why not experiment with an OCF configuration? Either way, I'm
>> 60' from the earth so grounding the AH-4 would be difficult, if not
>> impossible.
>> My question is, what experience do you have using an auto tuner/coupler
>> and different antenna configurations (dipole, OCF, long wire, etc). Any
>> recommendations? Getting into the attic for multiple tests will be
>> difficult so I'm looking for a solid starting point!
>> Dino - KX6D
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> --
> Dan Hearn
> N5AR
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