[TowerTalk] Site Elevation and TOA

Bill via TowerTalk towertalk at contesting.com
Wed Jun 18 07:31:24 EDT 2014

In the past N6BV has been kind enough to supply me the "numbers"  for my 
QTH using his wizardry to generate them in a few minutes and then ship me  the 
His files went up to about 14000 feet, and his reasoning was beyond  that 
the effects are minimal.  I would imagine this is true except in  extreme 
I strongly recommend EVERYONE who is contemplating putting up a  tower 
(except those who live on a table top terrain)  do the HFTA  thing.
Even here in fairly flat FL, where my dropoff to the NE is about 95  feet 
over a 1000 ft distance, the difference in takeoff angle compared  to flat 
ground is significant.   My terrain at KH6 was  such that it precluded me from 
putting up tribanders higher than around 90-95  feet, even though they were 
mounted on a 150 foot tower.  Who would have  guessed anything higher than 
95 feet would not have worked as well on 20 on an  8000 mile path to EU?  
Thanks to HFTA, I knew.
I have used Dean's program on both of my stations and if the time  ever 
comes to build another, I'll do it again.

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