[TowerTalk] Buring Bury-Flex

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Fri May 9 23:14:37 EDT 2014

Date: Fri, 09 May 2014 15:00:32 -0400
From: "Larry Banks" <larryb.w1dyj at verizon.net>
To: "Tower Talk" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Buring Bury-Flex

Hi all,

I am running Davis Bury-Flex out to a new 40M vertical in my back yard.  (Maine coast.)  As it is going across gravel walkways and near garden beds, and will not be that far below ground level, I am worried about it getting cut or nicked in the future from yard work, etc.

My plan is to use 1? sched 40 PVC conduit ? the gray stuff ? for protection.  (I will not be adding additional coax, wires, etc., ever, so this should be big enough.)  

My Concern:  the conduit will obviously become full of water ? will freeze cycles and the expansion of ice inside the conduit compress and therefore damage the  Bury-Flex in any way? 

73 -- Larry -- W1DYJ

## The problem with the 4 inch od stuff is the holes are opposite each other... IE...  N-S... or E-W.    No point in orienting the pipe so the holes are E-W either.  Otherwise  it will have to have one
helluva lot of water in it b4 it spills  out the holes that will be 2” up each side.    Better to mount the pipe  N-S.   Problem with that is... you will let in water through the N hole..at the top.

##  A better  solution is to use smaller pipe.... like 1”-2”  OD...with no holes in it.... and just  drill some .25 inch holes every foot or so..down the entire length of the pipe.   Then install the pipe so all the
newly drilled holes are all facing DOWNWARDS.   Then install some sand + gravel  into the bottom of the trench...b4 you drop the pipe in.   Any water that gets in...will simply  run out the holes at the bottom of the

##  The gray stuff is UV resistant...and found in the electrical  dept of your local home depot etc.  

Jim  VE7RF

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