[TowerTalk] Mixing oils in HDX689

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Tue Nov 11 11:02:38 EST 2014

Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 11:44:02 -0800
From: Thomas Noel <tnoel at mac.com>
To: Mickey Baker <fishflorida at gmail.com>
Cc: "towertalk at contesting.com" <TowerTalk at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Mixing oils in HDX689
; > )  

I belong to many auto and motorcycle reflectors, and it is always fun to kick off an ?oil thread? there. 
Never expected to get to do so on a tower/ham reflector!


##  I was right, it does have to be flushed out...depending on which synthetic is used..per hub
citys tech notes.  
Somebody asked abt synthetic oil.  The nazis  cooked it up during ww2..when conventional
dino oil was in short supply. 

##  dunno why anyone would want to use dino oil in a car eng these days.  Mobil 1 synthetic
and other similar brands are dirt cheap on sale at walmart, and most auto stores. 
Beware of the semi-synthetic eng oils.  They are only 2-5% synthetic, and 95-98% dino. 
That’s what the ford oem motocraft junk is. 

##  Clinton put the kabosh  on the amount of ZDDP that can be put into eng oil....like a max
of 800 ppm.   ZDDP is an anti wear additive.   The theory is IF  your car eng burns a lot of oil
like a qt every 1-5k miles, the ZDDP  will screw up your catalytic converters.   I don’t burn
a  drop of oil so went to the aftermarket stuff, with 1300 ppm of ZDDP.  ( RP-5W-30HPS).
Race engs will use even higher amounts of ZDDP..like 2500 ppm.   Only time dino oil is used these
days is for break in on a new eng in a new car, like 2-4 k miles.  After that, don’t use it. 
One thing interesting I did notice was the amount of oil collected in my catch can on the pcv for the eng. 
It went from almost a full 2 ozs of what looks like a chocolate milkshake with dino oil... to almost nothing, and clean,
when I switched to 100% synthetic.  Everybody else notices the same effect.    

##  On industrial pumps and compressors, synthetic oil is all that’s used these days.
sri for the ot. 

Jim  VE7RF   

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