[TowerTalk] SAS-1

AA6DX - Mark aa6dx at arrl.net
Tue Nov 11 16:27:03 EST 2014

That was for a sloper antenna  --  used to sell Dentron, once in my life ... 
and used Amp Supply equipment in later years. -- still have an LK.
Denny been constructing PRICEY tube Hi-Fi stuff in lately   .. Mark AA6DX
Try here...

-----Original Message----- 
From: Kelley
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:48 AM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] SAS-1

A friend picked up a collection of stuff at a local hamfest. Among the
items was an Amp Supply Company SAS-1. Seems to have a torrid mounted in
a large amount of goo on the inside. On the outside, a connector labeled
Coax Station, one labeled Tower Ground, one labeled 30 MTR, and one
labeled 160/80 40 MTR. Wondering what it is, anyone know? A matching
device? Google didn't seem to have much on it.



Kelley - WØRK


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