[TowerTalk] BN-86 Balun
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Thu Nov 20 03:31:10 EST 2014
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 16:38:11 -0800
From: "Don " <w7wll at arrl.net>
To: "'Towertalk'" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Cordless Soldering Irons
An aside, I removed the BN-86 from my A3WS with which I was having SWR
problems and took it apart. As all who are familiar with this piece of junk
are aware, there are several large openings on the connector end. I found
the enamel on the coil around the core corroded, and where the coil is (get
this) SWAGED to the connector flange, the whole rivet was gone. The other
issue I've had with these is attempting to tighten the shell and then get
inside the overhanging plastic case surrounding the connector to seal it.
Big fingers don't work here. I was also unable to save the poor spiders and
other large insects which made their home inside as well!! Feel a little bad
about this. I have decided to install a Balun Designs 1115t after careful
review of user comments on available baluns. NO, I did not want to wind my
own nor did I want a bunch of coax hanging up there, I'm old and lazy now
after 60 years of hamming.
Sorry I brought this up on towertalk, but seemed appropriate since that is
where it would be used.
I appreciate all the tips, suggestions and comments posted as well as links
to brands that should be considered. Thanks folks.
Sorry I
## I had 3 of those BN-86 baluns back in the 70s. One on a 40m sloper, a 2nd one
on a 80m inverted vee, the 3rd one on a 204BA. All 3 of em blew their brains out
with low swr and 2 kw out on ssb. The magnet wire was burnt to a crisp. At the time,
I also had a 40-10m trap vertical..which I had meted the traps inside on 40m.
## Why does HY-GAIN continue to sell junk like the BN-86 ?? Its on a par with the
W2AU.. big signal balun... more junk. Cant the arrl call em out on this crap ? It would take the
arrl all of a few minutes to measure the Z, uh, R, XL etc vs freq. Then stuff 2 kw rtty through it..
into a dummy load, and see what happens. Then do it again..but with a 3:1 swr.... like a
16.6 ohm load....then again with a 150 ohm load. Then when it fails the tests..on any band...report
the findings. And also refuse advertising from them...until they re-design it.
## while on a rant, how does a beta match /hairpin match.... work on a triband yagi..on
3 bands? It’s a monoband device. How does a trap, made from 10 ga AL wire get so hot that it melts the
former its wound on ?
## A few simple tests on some of these products would go a long way to actually help folks
who spend huge $$ on equipment. A fellow in VE3 land had a xcvr with key clicks. He was
informed by industry canada... eq of FCC, to fix the click problem asap. The dealer had to take it back,
and install the key click mod into his yaesu.
## here it is..almost 2015... and they still cant build a xcvr properly. Sure the k3 is a superb xcvr on cw.
Its IMD on ssb at rated power is laughable. The FTDX-5000 along with a few others, should not have left the
design table.
end of rant.
later....... Jim VE7RF
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