[TowerTalk] N6BT, Force12inc and JK Antennas

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Thu Nov 20 15:18:35 EST 2014

Most of the 'short boom' 5-band yagis are really 2-elements on each  
band, much like a LPA ...You get what you pay for.


Quoting G Reichow <wa0yle12 at gmail.com>:

> Anyone out there have any personal experience with N6BT 's DXr-5 or
> the new Force12inc XR5-T, XR6 yagi's. I see that JKAntennas has a new
> 5 band yagi as well. It also has a short boom (10 feet). Any comments
> on build quality, performance, etc would be welcome.
> Thanks,
>         Gary - KN0V
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