[TowerTalk] Best Balun

James Wolf jbwolf at comcast.net
Thu Nov 27 22:41:00 EST 2014



Yes, the same thing.  He references the QST articles.


Jim - KR9U


From: w6rgs at cox.net [mailto:w6rgs at cox.net] 
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 9:30 PM
To: jbwolf at comcast.net; towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Best Balun


It is also in the Northern California DX Club newsletter for October1981, if
we're talking about the same balun.
73 Bill W6RGS

At 03:48 PM 11/27/2014, James Wolf wrote:

Ah yes,

It is in Ham Radio Mag.

Thanks, Bill

Jim - KR9U

I believe Jim meant the 1980 February and March issues of Ham Radio,
for George, W6TC's 2 part series on "A New Class of Coaxial-line 
Transformers" ... (pages 12-18 in Feb. and 18-28 in Mar.)

73 de Billy, AA4NU

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Wolf" <jbwolf at comcast.net>

While we are commenting on all  types of baluns, you might want to look at
February and March 1980 QST, specifically figure 1. In March 1980 by W6TC.
I have used this type of balun on two TH6DXX's and a Cushcraft  2 el 40 for
almost 25 years.

Pattern plots with stations 3 miles away show very symmetrical patterns.
The advantages are that they are very inexpensive to build, and no core
saturation issues as well as almost indestructible.
Be sure to use the recommended RG-142 or equivalent Teflon coax.  

Jim - KR9U

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