[TowerTalk] Is A Tower Weaker in Some Directions?

K7LXC--- via TowerTalk towertalk at contesting.com
Tue Oct 7 12:19:49 EDT 2014

>     I did take the suggestion to contact the  structural engineer at US 
Towers.  Regarding the orientation of the  T-base.....he said that the 
strength of the tower will be about the same in all  directions, and suggested I 
just orient the base so that laying the tower down  or raising the tower back 
up will be most convenient.  I guess I was just  over-analyzing.  
    Umm, perhaps. Hi. 
>    The T-base and anchor bolts (and contractor)  arrived today, so we're 
on our way!  Thanks to all.
    Here's how to do the base and anchor bolts. Secure  all of the anchor 
bolts to the T-section good and tight. Tack weld some rebar or  spare pieces 
of metal to the top and bottom of all the bolts. Now you can  remove the 
bolt fixture and handle it easily as you attach it to the rebar cage  and level 
it. Cover the threads of the anchor bolts with electrical  tape. Pour. The 
hard work is now done and the tower is guaranteed to mate  with the bolts. 
Cheers & GL, 
Steve    K7LXC

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