[TowerTalk] Hancock antennas

Ro Grrr rogrrr at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 16 12:55:27 EDT 2014

Someone asked me about working at 450' in the dark if I was scared.
My response was simple, "How can you be scared ?  After all, you can't see the ground so you don't know how high you are !"

And if you noticed, BOTH of the tower dogs were smoking. 

We get so used to being on high that while we're relaxed, we are still always vigilant and careful.  We're only allowed one misteak, you know.

RoGrrr - that's pronounced ROH Grrr, has been my nick most of my life
KC8HZ - KiloCycles Eight Hertz.  Shame that so many of the 'newbies' don't know WTF a KiloCycle is....

WHEN is the revolution scheduled to start ?


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