[TowerTalk] G5RV vs 40M dipole
Larry Loen
lwloen at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 20:22:26 EDT 2015
As far as testing goes, one way of getting real world answers is to use
ReverseBeacon.net and see what you get from various stations as far as dB
ratings go. Maybe over several days if you can. I've seen variations from
station to station (it is obvious that antenna quality varies by the
receiving stations and that matters) but you can still get an idea,
especially if you can manage multiple directions, at least temporarily.
On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 3:52 PM, <john at kk9a.com> wrote:
> W8JI's on the air tests were done on 80m where I believe the G5RV is
> basically omnidirectional. On higher frequencies the antenna has some deep
> nulls which could greatly affect the signal strength.
> John KK9A
> Re: [TowerTalk] G5RV vs 40M dipole
> from [Steve Hunt] [Permanent Link][Original]
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] G5RV vs 40M dipole
> From: Steve Hunt <steve at karinya.net>
> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:58:16 +0100
> If you use a G5RV, the simplest way to get improved signal strength reports
> is to announce that you are using something else ;)
> This from W8JI:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> On The Air Testing
> One of the only ways to reliably test an HF antenna is a blind A-B
> comparison against another known good reference antenna. Since I also had a
> dipole at 100 feet a few hundred feet away from the G5RV (similar height),
> I
> had an ideal testing situation.
> Blind Test
> I checked into various groups on 75 meters and did a blind A B antenna
> test.
> I would say "this is antenna one one one, this is antenna two two two"
> while
> switching antennas. The results were:
> 1. Nearly ALL of the reports indicated NO difference in signals! (58
> equal reports)
> 2. When a difference in signal was reported, about equally split either
> the full size dipole or G5RV would win. (7 G5RV better, 9 dipole
> better)
> Announced Tests
> I also did tests that called the antennas by name. I would say "This is the
> the G5RV,G5RV, G5RV. This is the dipole, dipole, dipole". The results were
> rather revealing.
> 1. When I would call each antenna by the correct name, the G5RV was
> reported "weaker" or with "poorer audio" or some other negative
> comment more than 80% of the time. The remaining stations reported
> no difference!
> 2. When I would call each antenna by the /*opposite name*/, the antenna
> I was calling the G5RV was /*still reported*/ in some negative
> context about 80% of the time. The remaining percentage again
> reported no real difference.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Full story on Tom's web site:
> http://www.w8ji.com/g5rv_facts.htm
> Steve G3TXQ
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