[TowerTalk] Medical offices near possible new club site

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Fri Aug 14 16:05:57 EDT 2015



I work at a hospital.  I am also an active ham with an HF+VHF mobile setup I
use in the parking lot at the hospital for CWT contests at least once a
week. (mostly on 20m)

In sunspot peak years I operate 6m, from the parking lot. I don't operate 2m
FM, but really, that would be my last worry.


I can tell you unequivocally that hospitals are RF noisy,(but not overly so)
but so are a lot of places.  Downtown city streets with their proliferation
of multiple computers, switching power supplies, rooftop HVAC and crappie
light ballasts are probably just as bad if not worse.  A lot of hospital
(medical grade) stuff has RF suppression built in and it's all CSA (read UL
to you) approved.  Not so for the "flower shop on the corner" with cheap
fluorescent lights (for example)


  I operated in a neighbourhood Museum as VO1TTT in May, and the pot lights
in the Museum I operated from were S9 on 10, 15 and 20m with the yagi
antenna some 100' away and 50' up a tower.  It was only because I was
actually IN the bldg. I was able to shut those 8 or 10 lights OFF when not
in use.  Hard to do that to your neighbour.


My advice if I could offer it?


Get some local with a real nice mobile setup to go park in the DR's office
parking lot for an hour and listen on 20m, 40m and 10m SSB/CW during normal
business hours (not during lunch hour when a lot of stuff just isn't
running).  . . . then go to the new proposed location some distance away and
do the same. 


That should give you a really good snapshot what noise might be like.  You
may find that the gas station, electric motor repair or (insert any other
business name here) are the worst offenders and not the Dr's office.

You really won't know til you test it out for real.  


One hundred feet away worries me a lot for both giving and taking RFI, even
at the 100w level.  The 300' place, not so much.


I would actually be more concerned with noise from any number of other
things in the neighbour and not the Dr's office specifically.


Mike VE9AA/m


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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