[TowerTalk] Antenna hardware ???

Douglas Ruz (CO8DM) co8dm at frcuba.co.cu
Tue Aug 25 21:56:48 EDT 2015


It is very interesting...do you have any link to ordering on-line???...Many 
hams in my country need such items...we can buy for an small group here.

73....Douglas, CO8DM

"No creo que haya alguna emoción más intensa para un inventor que ver alguna 
de sus creaciones funcionando. Esa emoción hace que uno se olvide de comer, 
de dormir, de todo." - Nikola Tesla
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Antenna hardware ???

> I have found the industrial supply houses (locally and on-line) to be 
> "much" cheaper particularly when purchasing a box of 50, or 100 at a time. 
> I can purchase a whole box for the price of just a few plastic packages 
> containing 2 to 4  bolts each at the big box stores.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
> On 8/25/2015 10:04 AM, Richard Thorne wrote:
>> Another good place I have found is fastenal.com.  The web site is easy to 
>> use and you can drill down very easily to find the exact bolt you need, 
>> size, thread, finish etc.  I used them to order a bunch of galvanized 
>> bolts/washers/nuts for my rotating tower re-furb project.  But they 
>> appear to carry it all including stainless.
>> Since Fastenal has stores in most if not every state, be prepared to pay 
>> sales tax.
>> Rich - N5ZC
>> On 8/25/2015 6:45 AM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
>>> A multiband yagi is not an easy thing to design.  Good Luck!
>>> I buy stainless steel bolts and nuts at my local Ace Hardware. It is
>>> expensive, but great if you need a low quantity of each size. I also buy 
>>> a
>>> lot of stainless steel bolts, nuts, washers, u-bolts, hose clamps and
>>> other miscellaneous antenna and tower hardware from
>>> http://www.mcmaster.com .  Another good source of yagi parts and u-bolts
>>> is http://www.dxengineering.com .
>>> John KK9A
>>> To:    <towertalk at contesting.com>
>>> Subject:    [TowerTalk] Antenna hardware ???
>>> From:    "Douglas Ruz \(CO8DM\)" <co8dm at frcuba.co.cu>
>>> Date:    Mon, 24 Aug 2015 20:19:15 -0400
>>> Hello,
>>> I am building a multiband yagi and i am looking for stainless or
>>> galvanized hardware:
>>> Screw, nuts, hose clamps, U bolts, etc
>>> Somebody know where to buy in the US ??...any website??
>>> Cheaper as possible.
>>> Thanks,
>>> 73....Douglas, CO8DM
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> -- 
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
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