[TowerTalk] Can´t add egg insulator...

Douglas Ruz (CO8DM) co8dm at frcuba.co.cu
Sun Dec 13 09:47:27 EST 2015

Hi guys,

I read about resonant guy wires.

Unfortunately i can´t add egg insulator to build non resonant guy wires. I don´t have enought clamps or guy grip (preform) to install egg insulators.

Maybe someone know any other solution.

I have been modeling my tower on MMANA and i don´t see any interaction with my HD spiderbeam for 10, 15 and 20m.

My guy wires lengths are: 20 ft (the 1st level ) and 30 ft (the 2nd level).

any tips are welcome.

73....Douglas, CO8DM

"No creo que haya alguna emoción más intensa para un inventor que ver alguna de sus creaciones funcionando. Esa emoción hace que uno se olvide de comer, de dormir, de todo." - Nikola Tesla

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