[TowerTalk] [Bulk] Re: Coax cable economics. (was Mosley
Grant Saviers
grants2 at pacbell.net
Thu Feb 19 11:00:14 EST 2015
One additional consideration not mentioned so far is the QRN situation
at the DX end. When the noise is S5-6+ at the DX station, a few db can
make the difference for making the Q or not. Same for QRN levels the EU
guys and some DXpeditions have. Many times I can hear them fine, but
they can't hear me (QRO & 4 elements @ 100') over their QRN/QRM.
Again, the ERP does count and it can come from better yagis, taller
towers, stacks, or amps. Then subtract the losses. A coax upgrade for
3db is much cheaper than a 5 element monoband owa, doubling amp power, a
tiny fraction of the cost of 30' more tower, and insignificant vs a
second yagi in a stack.
Grant KZ1W
On 2/19/2015 7:05 AM, Richard Solomon wrote:
> Your premise might be valid if you were the only DX'er
> in the area, but when you have the competition that we
> had on the East Coast, then my statements, while not
> based on true scientific data, still are valid.
> The truth is in the pudding ...
> 73, Dick, W1KSZ
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Courtney Judd <k4wi at k4wi.net> wrote:
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