[TowerTalk] Tower Build
Roger (K8RI) on TT
K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Fri Jul 3 03:00:41 EDT 2015
From what I've seen the tilt plate just "lets" the antenna stay
horizontal. I hope I can use one because we were unable to install the
tower in the desired location due to a 4" tile that filled the hole
about as fast as the guys could climb out. "I think the current
location will still let me use a tilt plate.
Yes you can belt onto a step ladder, but that means the ladder will fall
on top of you.
You should see me changing all 22 8' lights in the shop.
Roger (K8RI)
On 7/3/2015 12:24 AM, Big Don wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 8:33 PM, Roger (K8RI) on TT <K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
>> wrote:
>> [-SNIP-]
>> A crank up and fold over for a given height and antenna wind area, is
>> larger, much heavier has a lot of moving parts and requires one humongous
>> chunk of concrete for a base compared to a guyed tower. However the XYL
>> might prefer the expense to having guy anchors around the yard.
>> 73 Roger (K8RI)
> Note on safety for tilt-over configs, unless you have one of those setups
> that continuously holds the beam plane horizontal, as the tower is tilted
> over, there are still plenty of access problems to deal with. There are
> numerous pix in ham mags, and in YouTubes, showing hams precariously on
> *stepladders*, with zero fall protection, working on their 'accessible'
> antennas. You can't belt onto a stepladder....
> Don N7EF
>> On 7/2/2015 6:40 PM, Big Don wrote:
>>> Before summarily blowing off a guyed configuration, it would be worth
>>> browsing thru the TowerTalk Archives for all the problems folks have had
>>> with winches, cables, pulleys, coax pinches/tangles/fatigue, sections
>>> jammiing, including unhappy motor electronics (today's stuff).
>>> http://lists.contesting.com/_towertalk/
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Roger (K8RI)
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