[TowerTalk] Fwd: Worm Gears

Hans Hammarquist hanslg at aol.com
Tue Jul 14 17:25:13 EDT 2015

Any gear with a 50% or better efficiency is NOT self breaking and will require a break. Even a slightly lower than 50% might (most possible) need a break as the efficiency will increase with time as the gear will "wear in".

Hans - N2JFS

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilson <infomet at embarqmail.com>
To: John Santillo N2HMM <n2hmm at warwick.net>
Cc: towertalk <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 1:37 pm
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Worm Gears

Hub City touts their helical gear units, at 90+% efficiency vs 60% for 
don't know about their resistance to back driving, but at 50-60:1, it 
take much of a brake...


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