[TowerTalk] Slobering Irons

Andre VanWyk kr5dx at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 28 11:59:37 EDT 2015

I think your comment on Weller being "crap" is just an opinion and bares no factual information. Been using Weller for years both on my bench and outside with no problems at all. 
There are lots of choices out there, but don't label an item as "crap" just because you own something different unless you have factual info / experiences you wish to share with the group. 

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On Jul 28, 2015, at 10:38 AM, Jeff DePolo <jd0 at broadsci.com> wrote:

>> TBQH the weller stations are crap.  I had one and loved it, 
>> until I was
>> introduced to a Metcal soldering station.
> I don't know if I'd say that all Wellers are crap.  Some of them are, some
> of them are quite usable.  Are they in the same class as Metcal?  Definately
> not.  One of the most-used tools in the toolbag in my truck is a Weller
> PyroPen.  Certainly it's not a lab-grade tool, but for quick and dirty field
> work, I've come to love it.  I usually get about 4 or 5 years of life out of
> them before something breaks, usually due to being dropped or other trauma.
> One of my elmers told me something that I've passed along to other new hams
> over the years: "get yourself a Bird, a Fluke, and a Weller and you'll be
> starting off in ham radio on the right foot".
>> I've soldered copper shields with more mass than a PL259 with 
>> it, and it's had
>> more than enough power to handle it.
> It's amazing how much heat a small Metcal tip will generate.  Along those
> lines, I've found that a DIP-package tip works great for de-soldering J101
> metal-clad mica caps.
>> I have a magnetic holder that the iron rests in, the magnetic 
>> field de-tunes
>> the tip so it cools down to 300f from 700f, prolonging the 
>> tip life.  
> Is that standard on all of the stands?  I have the bases for both the pencil
> and the desoldering gun, never noticed if they have a magnet inside that
> does what you're describing, will check it out.  
>> I bought a refurb unit from a well known seller at Dayton a 
>> couple years back
> If it's who I'm thinking of, it's Advanced Assembly Electronics (or
> something like that), they've been at Dayton for a number of consecutive
> years now.  Don't know if they have a web site.  Good outfit.
>                --- Jeff WN3A
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