[TowerTalk] Brake Winches

N2TK, Tony tony.kaz at verizon.net
Mon Jun 29 15:51:32 EDT 2015

I use a BB Brothers 30:1 worm drive winch (Now Wintech W200-5) to tilt over
80' of Rohn 45. The wire rope goes through a pulley on the 40' end of the
Rohn 45 falling derrick and back down to the winch. I use a heavy B&D 3/4"
reversible drill to raise and lower the tower. I added a pipe as an extended
handle to the drill motor. The other side of the drill has a long handle
which has the On-Off switch.    You really need to hang on to raise the
tower. Lots of torque.

I use a multipurpose lithium-based EP-1 grease. Is there a better grease to
use with this winch to lower the friction?

N2TK, Tony

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 1:25 PM
To: Patrick Greenlee; towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Brake Winches

On 6/29/2015 8:53 AM, Patrick Greenlee wrote:
> There is more than one type of winch brake.  Worm drives above a 
> certain reduction ratio won't "motor" or allow the load to turn the 
> winch. There are no brake parts as such but you get full control and 
> if you turn lose of the handle the load will not be able to turn the 
> winch. No brake parts = no brake parts to wear or overheat in use.

There is no free lunch with worm drives.  The worm drive IS a brake that is
"ON" ALL the time, whether going up or down or standing still.
As such, it causes at least a 2X increase in effort going up.  Going down,
the same friction applies so that you have to apply significant effort even
with help from gravity.  All this extra effort due to friction HEATS up the
worm gear.  If you replaced the worm drive with a recirculating ball bearing
drive as used in vehicle steering, it would get rid of the friction and also
get rid of the self braking.
When you lower a tower, the gravitation energy has to go someplace, meaning
it gets converted to heat.

What is really needed is a braking system like they use for electric cars
where the energy is fed back into the battery.  Probably not cost effective
vs $150 winches.

Rick N6RK

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