[TowerTalk] [Bulk] Re: SteppIR
W0MU Mike Fatchett
w0mu at w0mu.com
Sun Mar 1 11:57:52 EST 2015
Many of us went to a much more simple solution using trailer hitch
connectors. That is what I did. I intended to house the connectors
inside an electical box but the box still sits on the work bench.
Mike W0MU
On 3/1/2015 8:05 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> On 2015-03-01 5:40 AM, Ian White wrote:
>> Another major failing is the tacky method of connecting the 13 drive
>> wires for the stepper motors - a 10-cent screw terminal block inside
>> a short length of plastic pipe. This summer's job is to install a
>> waterproof plastic box with a waterproof multipole connector, and I
>> would recommend new owners to do that on Day 1.
> SteppIR now offer an optional "connector box" ... here's what they
> say:
>>> OPTIONAL Connector Junction Box: Replaces the standard cylindrical
>>> plastic housing; The standard antenna comes with a cylindrical
>>> plastic housing (affectionately referred to by many as the “pipe
>>> bomb”, due to its looks) with plastic caps on each end. The
>>> control cable wires are connected to terminal strips, which are
>>> then placed into the plastic housing. The connector junction box
>>> is a hinged enclosure that has female terminal headers mounted
>>> inside. The control cable and EHU cables are then connected to a
>>> male terminal plug, creating a pluggable/unpluggable connection for
>>> the antenna wiring. The connector junction box also includes a 25
>>> pin female dsub mounted inside, for testing the antenna at the
>>> point of installation. Highly recommended!
> Picture:
> http://www.steppir.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/DB42-junction-box.jpg
> It is relatively pricey and obviously not for everyone but makes a much
> neater and easy to maintain/troubleshoot installation.
> 73,
> ... Joe, W4TV
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