[TowerTalk] 80 mts four square or yagi?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Mar 8 13:44:24 EDT 2015

On Sun,3/8/2015 10:06 AM, Jorge Diez CX6VM wrote:
> Wish someone have some analysis or field test to compare a 4SQ with sixty 1/4 WL radials each vertical and a 3 element wire yagi with boom at 115ft

This is not exactly the answer, but it should help you think about it. 

Also, if the land around you is not flat, you also need to study and use 
HFTA extensively. It comes on the CD with the ARRL Antenna Book. HFTA 
tells only about horizontally polarized antennas, NOT verticals, because 
they interact with the earth very differently. The slides tell a big 
part of that story.

73, Jim K9YC

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