[TowerTalk] Oil for Dummy Load

Patrick Greenlee patrick_g at windstream.net
Mon Nov 30 08:55:05 EST 2015

I'd add sufficiently high boiling point to the list of desired 
attributes listed below.  Good thermal properties would be good as well. 
What properties? Specific heat for one.  A high boiling point is part of 
the story but the heat energy (calories or BTU) required to raise a 
quantity of the fluid to the boiling point is important too.

I think the brake fluid will probably handle the job.

Patrick        NJ5G

On 11/30/2015 7:40 AM, Jim Lux wrote:
> On 11/30/15 5:12 AM, Don wrote:
>> About 15 years ago, I put silicone DOT-5 brake fluid in my Cantenna. 
>> I thought that the 500 degree F boiling point would be a safety 
>> feature. I have no idea what the electrical properties are.
>> I just pulled the lid off of it and the oil still looks good, but I 
>> don't use it much.
>> Does anybody have an opinion about using brake fluid ?
> Anything that is non-corrosive, non-conductive, and reasonable 
> viscosity would probably work.
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