[TowerTalk] Interaction with the Optibeam 16-3

StellarCAT rxdesign at ssvecnet.com
Thu Oct 1 09:24:04 EDT 2015


Interesting.... my plans are for a 40M4LLDD mounted ~31’ above the top antenna of a 2x6el stack on 15... when I model something similar (I happen to, at the time, be looking at a moxon on 40) I am seeing essentially no change in the SWR of the 15 and a reduction in the FB of about 3 db (of course at a particular frequency – from 33 db to 30 db). No change in gain (actually a tiny increase as is not unusual) ... I had modeled a 20 stack (my plans are for 2x5el – 20’s and the top one is 11’ above the 40) using the 20 stack and a full size 2 element 40 and this shows virtually no interaction on 20 from the 40. I’d love to model the 40M4LLDD directly but suspect it wouldn’t be correct using EZNEC6/NEC2. 

Bills question extended to 10 meters – I’d suspect there’d be little interaction but it would be interesting to hear about this (my main tower won’t have 10 on it) ... note as others I’m sure have discovered – if your SWR is effected by proximity of antennas – your FB is WILDLY effected! Generally the FB is the most sensitive. Modeling guys for example – the ARRL AB dimensions for ‘safe lengths’ ... aren’t! They couple enough energy, I’ve tried a good variance of lengths, even a good distance out from the tower, and they do effect the FB. Likewise my latest modeling shows using only ~50’ of philly nearest to the tower for the bottom 2 sets of guys and 70’ for the top set does a great job with limiting interaction to about 2 db worse case with no change in the gain or in the SWR. 

Gary, K9RX
[still looking for R55 tower .... help?]

There is a big design difference between a linear loaded M2 and a High-Q
coil loaded OptiBeam with detuning stubs, however I think neither antenna
is resonant on 15m.  I do not see any issued with the proposed layout.  I
am sure that DF2BO would be very responsive if you asked OptiBeam this
John KK9A
The M2 40M4LLDD is close to resonant on 15 meters. I have one, and the SWR is about 1.6 across the entire 15 meter band. I have even used it as a 2nd radio antenna on 15 meters. 
I would be very cautious about putting it in close proximity to an Optibeam 16-3 or any other 15 meter antenna. 
Steve, N2IC

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