[TowerTalk] Laws of Physics Repealed!
Nate Bargmann
n0nb at n0nb.us
Fri Oct 23 16:23:43 EDT 2015
* On 2015 23 Oct 15:14 -0500, Donald Chester wrote:
> First there was the Gotham Vertical. Then the infamous Max-Com
> automatic antenna matcher. Now, Cushrcaft is in on the action.
> "R9"
> vertical. Low angle radiation gives incredible, easy, world-wide low
> band DX on 75/80m and 40m, plus it covers 30 through 6m with low
> VSWR on all bands, with broadband matching transformer; no antenna tuner
> needed. Low profile blends inconspicuously to keep your HOA happy. 31.5
> ft tall. Best of all, NO RADIALS NEEDED!!!
> Only $639. Just plug in your plastic radio and talk, talk, talk!
> See November, 2015 QST, page 2.
Cushcraft has been owned by MFJ for a number of years now and their
advertising is the same over the top near hyperbole that MFJ has
employed for years.
To its credit ARRL banned the publication of gain figures in advertising
some decades ago so the ad copy could conceivably be very entertaining
if left unchecked.
> Amazing
> that hams (or maybe I should say HAMs) swallow that crapola. 31.5 ft
> is only an eighth wavelength on 75/80m. The base impedance of a 1/8
> wavelength vertical is about 12 ohms. No matter how much gimmickry such
> as stubs, loading coils, toroidal transformers and porcupine spikes are
> added, that thing will basically be a dummy load unless it is used with a
> SUBSTANTAL radial ground system. A couple of 8' ground rods won't cut
> it.
The ARRL antenna book and W2DU's Reflections are available for those who
will bother themselves to read them.
> I had always considered Cushcraft, which has been in the business for
> decades, a reputable outfit, but this makes me wonder.
I suspect the engineers at the Cushcraft division cringe when they read
the ad copy these days.
73, Nate
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
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