[TowerTalk] Cell phone on towers

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Wed Oct 28 03:09:21 EDT 2015

That's not necessarily true at all.  I have a wireless ISP using my 
tower to reach a few hundred customers that would otherwise not be able 
to have decent internet access (satellite internet has horrible 
latency).   The FCC's position the last few years has actually 
encouraged such shared use of towers in order to reduce the 
proliferation of new towers, and I wrote the contract with the ISP ... 
as well as with the county when the ISP submitted a zoning waiver to use 
my tower  ... to stipulate that the original amateur privileges and 
conditions would supercede in any instance where there was a conflict 
between the commercial and amateur use of the tower.   I can kick the 
ISP off my tower without cause with 90 days notice, and they have to 
remove all equipment within ten days if anything they do violates local 
zoning or infringes on my amateur privileges.  They also have to give me 
notice and ask my permission before coming out to do any work on the tower.

It's entirely possible that a cell phone company wouldn't agree to these 
same terms, but it's totally bogus to say that you give up all rights 
... unless you're naive enough to do so.

To the original poster's question, I live in a RF-quiet area and have 
noticed no interference at all on the HF bands from the ISP, but I 
believe their frequencies are in the 5 GHz range and their power is 
probably less than for a typical cell phone installation.

Dave   AB7E

On 10/27/2015 4:37 PM, Ed Karl wrote:
> Having said all that, you no longer will control the tower, they will. 
> They will determine
> if you can rig to change or maintain your own equipment. They will be 
> able to show
> up anytime to do work, including possible interference with your own 
> operation
> Then, as mentioned is power. You will change your home into a 
> commercial place of
> business, like it or not.
> Having said all that, I wish you well in your deliberations.
> 73!
> ed K0KL
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