[TowerTalk] [Bulk] Need a G2800DXA pot

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Tue Apr 5 10:53:45 EDT 2016

IIRC it is a "standard" 1/4" shaft pot.  The tricky part is to get one 
with the necessary angular rotation.  I learned this recently in 
replacing a joy stick speed control pot in a boom lift.  Measure the 
mechanical angular range of the bad one and also the resistance angular 
range (you might get a reading if opened and cleaned with contact 
cleaner).  Then check catalog specs carefully to get a match in 
rotation.  Also check the shaft and thread protrusions, although some 
washers and a hacksaw might be needed to get a fit.  In the end, after 
installing one that had insufficient mechanical range, I needed a $10 
pot, not a Chinese $2.  Digikey and Mouser have links to the detailed 
data sheets.  The Honeywell industrial controls pots might set you back 
$30 if one is required.

Grant KZ1W

On 4/4/2016 20:20 PM, Joe K2UF wrote:
> Anyone know a source for the positioning pot in the G2800DXA.  Something has
> happened to the wiper and I do not get a reading from either end to the
> wiper.  I know it is a 500ohm pot.
> Any help?
> 73  Joe K2UF
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