[TowerTalk] RG-304 for CMC ?

jimlux jimlux at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 24 14:17:24 EDT 2016

On 4/24/16 9:35 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
> Does anybody know anything about  RG-304 ?    Its  aprx  .271 OD.... and has teflon  + silver braids /center conductor.
> Im having a helluva time trying to find out what gauge the center conductor is.  Does anybody know ?
> I think  304  is  sorta the teflon version of  RG-8X, and aprx the same  OD.
> If you can wind RG-58  and  also possibly  RG-8X  onto a stack of torroids, then there should be no issue using RG-304.
> IF  304  has a bigger center conductor than  303 /400 coax, then it might be an excellent candidate for applications
> where a high powered CMC is required.     RG-393 is .392 OD.... slightly less than the .405  found on 213-U.
> I’m looking for a possible alternative to 393,  but cant find any V rating,  power ratings  or attenuation charts for 1-54 mhz...for  304 coax.

voltage rating is almost entirely determined by physical dimensions and 
whether the dielectric is solid, foamed, or something else.

ditto with the current/power rating  (mostly a thermal dissipation limit)

So if you can find something else with similar dimensions and 
construction that would probably work.  the breakdown voltage of various 
plastic dielectrics are similar enough, and in any case, it's the tiny 
voids and the e-field that really determine breakdown: inner conductor 
diameter and spacing sets the field in V/m

attenuation, for HF, is mostly IR loss, so if the material/plating 
thickness of the inner and outer conductors are the same, the loss will 
be similar.

> I have also looked at some of the plenum rated small coax, but the price is sky high...and difficult to locate in small  qty.
> Jim   VE7RF
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