[TowerTalk] Lifting a mast off the rotator - The Result

Les Kalmus w2lk at bk-lk.com
Mon Apr 25 18:03:50 EDT 2016

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
This morning I got two 2" muffler clamps and at our local surplus place 
a piece of 1/4" steel plate about 3" x 4".
I drilled the plate to accept the pair of clamps and a centered hole 
near the top of the plate.
The clamps went on the mast and the pulley block bolted to the hole in 
the upper part of the plate.
Took a few pulls on the come along to raise the mast enough to get to 
the centering block.

Much to my surprise, the whole clamp support plate was loose along with 
the 1/4" bolt.
I pulled the rotator out of the tower and opened it on the bench.

The vertical shaft was broken off just inside the upper bearing of the 
shell, completely rusted through.
I installed that shaft new in March of 2009. So clearly, water has been 
working its way into the rotator since then.

I will talk to M2 about new parts immediately because I have to return 
the rental bucket lift Friday afternoon.

It never stops!

Thanks again for all the support.

73, Les W2LK

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