[TowerTalk] Changing interaction of M2 40M4LLDD on 15

StellarCAT rxdesign at ssvecnet.com
Mon Feb 15 08:56:36 EST 2016

Hello to those that have the 40M4LLDD.... I believe I have found a way to eliminate the interaction of the 40 to a 15. I’ve done a good bit of modeling and came up with a possible solution. I’m happy to pass this along to anyone that wants to try it. I’d love to know if it works as modeled. Write to me at my QRZ email address for details. 

I hope to build the antenna, test it at 36’ (test tower) and then add this to see if indeed it does the trick. Note although I (believe) I know what needs to be done I don’t yet know how it would be done mechanically – i.e. the specifics. It isn’t really complicated at all, pretty basic change in principle so shouldn’t be difficult.

Gary Myers

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