[TowerTalk] copper or galvanized ground rods in red SC clay

Kevin Kidd kkbroadcastengineering at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 13:47:42 EST 2016


My thoughts on long ground rods is that at some point, the reactance of the
rod itself will limit it's useful length.  What that length is, is totally
beyond my skill set...

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 12:08 PM, Paul Christensen <w9ac at arrl.net> wrote:

> After
> driving 50 ground rods in sandy soil conditions last spring,  there was no
> substitute for rod depth - at least in our soil condition.  We achieved
> nearly all the low resistance earth readings with four 26 ft. rods out of
> the 50-rod system design.  As a rod is driven deeper in some areas, it may
> strike a more conductive region where one longer rod results in
> substantially less earth resistance than well-spaced shorter rods.

Kevin C. Kidd, CSRE/AMD
AM Ground Systems Company  -  WD4RAT
kkidd at kkbc.com  --  866-22-RADIO -- 866-227-2346

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