[TowerTalk] US Tower seized gearbox

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Fri Jan 29 13:43:23 EST 2016

>  The Hub City W300 gearbox on my US Tower 85 ft rotating  mast appears to 
seized after 12 years.  Un fortunately the tower is  at the 55 ft level and
will neither raise nor lower. Fortunately, it is at a  safe height with
respect to wind.  Unfortunately, I am uncertain how to  get it down to
repair/replace the gearbox. The lifting cable drum mounts on  the gearbox
output shaft.  I cannot pull the gearbox as the cable drum  system is what
keeps the tower from freefall. I do Have the tiltover  fixture.  There is a
SteppIR DB-18E yagi at the top.  I am  resisting bringing in a crane to
support the tower. Any suggestions?  
Hiya, Jim --
    I'd get a comealong and Klein grip to grab the main  cable and take the 
strain off of the gearbox. Now you can lower or raise the  cable slowly and 
under control. With a little slack, you should be able to try  to run the 
gearbox by hand and see what happens. If it's the gearbox, that path  is 
pretty clear cut. If not, then you get to the next possible problem. 
Cheers & GL,
Steve       K7LXC

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