[TowerTalk] Change in Frequency As Antenna Height Rises

Dan Maguire djm2150 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 1 04:30:05 EDT 2016

Jim VE7RF wrote:
>>> The F12 N style 40m eles are not full size.  They range from 59 ft for the REF...down to aprx 52 ft for the DIR.

Well, now we're making some progress at reaching common ground.  I created a dipole model with 1.5" diameter aluminum wires and adjusted the length for precise resonance at 7.15 MHz in free space.  Then I changed the length to 85% of the self-resonant length, added loading coils mid-way out each leg, and adjusted the coil inductance to again get precise resonance at 7.15 MHz.  And finally I changed the length to 70% of the self-resonant length and again adjusted the coil inductance to get precise resonance at 7.15 MHz.  Coil Q was kept constant at 200.

Then I switched from free space to average ground and varied the height of each dipole from 10 ft to 100 ft, this time adjusting the *frequency* for precise resonance at each height while keeping the length and coil inductance (if any) constant.


100% length (69.79 ft), no loading, +218 KHz change from 30 ft to 60 ft.
85% length (55.93 ft), 3.297 uH coils, +137 KHz change from 30 ft to 60 ft.
70% length (46.06 ft), 6.721 uH coils, +78 KHz change from 30 ft to 60 ft.

So it seems that more loading results in less change in resonant frequency as the height above ground is varied.

Dan, AC6LA

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