[TowerTalk] Tower Incidents

Mark Pride mpridesti at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 21 09:00:22 EDT 2016

Similar experience with some differences here:
While a crew of local hams (myself included) were taking down the 3 towers at the QTH of Jim Fisk (W1HR of Ham Radio Magazine fame), after taking two 100 ft. Rohn 25 tower without incident, the 3rd tower came down not the way we planned.  While I was at the 40 ft. level (last set of guys to be removed) and K1GQ was at 35 ft. the ground crew loosened the first turnbuckle and at the last turn, it popped off and the tower began to fall.  The other two guys had not been loosened at that point.  Aside from having our belts attached to the tower, we were also blessed with several tree branches around the tower that caught those two guys and actually served to stop the tower about 5 ft. above ground.  When both of us came to a sudden stop (fortunately not ground level), we spun around, hanging under the tower by our belts.  We carefully got off the tower and took a break from lunch!  Wow!
The first two towers had bases properly installed (4 ft. of concrete or so), where the last tower was merely sitting on some granite ledge with a couple inches of concrete around the legs to keep it from moving.  It was clearly not able to stand on its own.  It must have been installed with a lower set of temporary guys when first erected.
Lesson - check every aspect of the tower before any work is performed.  I think I was in my late twenties at that time. 
Tim - glad you're still with us OM! Regards, Mark, K1RX 

      From: Tim Duffy <k3lr at k3lr.com>
 To: 'Wilson' <infomet at embarqmail.com>; 'towertalk' <towertalk at contesting.com> 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Incidents
Hello Wilson:

Yes, I do. Me.

When I was 16 during Field Day (1976) I was removing the Field Day antenna
(two element quad) at 40 feet. The temporary guy wire anchor failed and the
tower fell over. I was belted to the tower at 40 feet. My safety belt caught
me (I fainted) and saved my life (falling from 40 feet normally is fatal).
Quick action from EMT WA3WIK (ground crew) was critical to my survival as
well. It took a week in the hospital for me to recover - however 40 years
later I am still climbing with a full body harness - 100% tie off ALWAYS.

Safety first for Field Day and every day.
I got a second chance after my fall from 40 feet thanks to my safety belt -
many do not get another chance.

Be Safe and 73,
Tim K3LR

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 12:06 AM
To: towertalk
Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower Incidents

I asked the other day, during the fall related messages, if anyone had, or
knew of anyone who had, been saved by a fall protection system.
I didn't see any answers, so maybe I didn't send as I thought.
SO does anyone know of actual fall incidents where the climber was caught by
a harness or belt, with safety cable or conventional hookup.

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