[TowerTalk] F12 C19XR Rivets
lknain at nc.rr.com
Tue Mar 8 05:08:00 EST 2016
I had failure on the 240XL element to boom plate where the rivets
elongated the holes and the element eventually fell off. Bringing down a
2 el 40M yagi with only one element is not a lot of fun. I went to bolts
when I put it back up only to lose it completely the next year to a
tornado. The other element did not show any obvious signs of hole
elongation. IIRC the element to boom rivets were done by F12.
73, Larry W6NWS
On 3/7/2016 11:52 PM, Roger (K8RI) on TT wrote:
> Good advise Jim,
> My C19XR uses 3 rivets in a row at each element joint. I understand
> that they may have gone to 6 using two sets of 3 opposing rivets.
> That's the way I plan on repairing the ends of the 20 m reflector.
> IIRC it does use larger rivets in the boom, but I don't remember the
> size as I had forgotten the size for the elements..
> After tomorrow (63F and 55 F for a low, 59/43 and near an inch of rain
> Wed) The snow should be gone giving me easy access, if a bit squishy,
> to the antenna.
> These are what are called a "Blind Rivets" in that, unlike regular pop
> rivets which have the mandril go all the way through, the end of the
> rivet is solid to prevent water from leaking through, much like the
> "Cherry Rivets" used in aircraft. The "Sonex" little single seater
> has all riveted joints using these "Cherry rivets" instead of the
> typical flush rivets requiring a bucking bar.
> As Jim says, do not tap rivets in by taping on the mandril. Usually
> you only forget once as the mandrel may just fall in and you no longer
> have a blind rivet that may be a bit difficult to remove. Trying to
> drill out a failed rivet can be frustrating as they often just spin in
> the hole instead of holding for the drill bit to cut metal.
> 73 es thanks Jim
> Roger (K8RI)
> On 3/7/2016 Monday 10:54 PM, Jim Thomson wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2016 19:39:29 -0500
>> From: Larry <lknain at nc.rr.com>
>> To: towertalk at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] F12 C19XR Rivets
>> Message-ID: <56DCCDC1.2020308 at nc.rr.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
>> In the early days C3, EF 180B, and 240 generally used 0.125 inch rivets
>> on the elements. The 180B had some 0.25 inch rivets as well if I recall.
>> Booms used 0.25 inch rivets. The C3, for example, generally had 3 rivets
>> per joint in the elements. I don't know how different the XR series is.
>> 73, Larry W6NWS
>> ## on my F-12 340N, 520, 615, EF-180B, and F12 shorty 44 foot 40m
>> yagi, all the rivets
>> are .125, aluminum, and slightly domed heads, with steel mandrels.
>> The shorty 40m
>> els used longer .125” rivets on the inboard portions only, where they
>> are triple walled.
>> ## The EF-180B used .1875 rivets on the else.... but only in one
>> place.... like that huge swedge.
>> All the booms used .1875 rivets on the factory end of each
>> splice...where as the end user
>> portion of each boom splice used 1/4-20 SS bolts + nylocks.
>> ## No .25 rivets were used any where. Although those small hand
>> riveters will pull a .1875
>> rivet, they are very tough to pull. I bought a larger, looks like
>> hedge shears, type of riveter,
>> made by pop company, aprx 25 inches long, to do the .1875 rivets.
>> The same longer riveter will also do
>> .25 rivets, and also .125 rivets. But the big riveter is too
>> awkward for the .125 rivets, the small hand
>> riveter is better for that job.
>> ## POP co also makes a hand riveter, that uses 90 psi from ur
>> compressor, to pull any size of rivet, it also
>> has an optional device to collect all the spent mandrels.
>> ## DON’T put any anti oxidant grease on any rivets.... only the
>> els overlaps. Install ALL the rivets at any
>> joint before you pull any rivets. IE: install 3 x rivets in a
>> row, then pull them one at a time. And if rivets 2+ 3
>> start to back off, after pulling the 1st one, you have to tap the
>> rivets back in, so they are flush, b4 pulling them.
>> Tap them back in via the domed heads..and NOT the mandrels.
>> Jim VE7RF
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