[TowerTalk] RG6 coax question

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Sat Mar 12 10:29:50 EST 2016

Ed, I can't answer your question but can tell how to determine if there is  
water in the coax. A digital meter usually as a 20 megohm setting. If there 
is  any water present, you will get a reading between the center conductor 
and outer  conductor.
You probably already knew this.
Every water intrusion issue encountered here has been associated with a  
connector in spite of precautions taken to prevent it.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 3/12/2016 7:52:00 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
ed.n5dg at gmail.com writes:

Howdy  Tower Talkers , My question is if water can get into the RG6 coax 
through  the outer cover ? The RG6 I'm using is Commscope but it's not 
the flooded  ! I lay the coax on the ground to a HI-Z Receive 4 SQ , so I 
can remove it  in the spring and reinstall in the Fall . The RG6-F- 
connectors are 8 to  12 inches off the ground and taped good , so if 
water is getting in, it  would have to come in through the insulation ... 
if that's possible ? I'm  asking these questions because the HI-Z RX 4SQ 
uses a Bias T throu the 4  phasing lines and if water or moister gets in 
it will create noise and I  have noise in 3 of the 4 directions ! 8.5 
inches of rain in 2 days is  allot of water !

Thanks Ed N5DG

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