[TowerTalk] [Bulk] Re: "Magic" length from tower to first insulator

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Wed Mar 16 21:08:38 EDT 2016

Good one!  I agree.

The NCJ article (Nov/Dec 2015, by N2IC) shows that for a 10/15/20 
combos/tribanders only less than 11' and very narrow windows at 28' and 
41' are ok.  And that is assuming you are willing to lose a couple of 
db's of F/B.  Throw in 12m and 17m and I suspect there is no solution 
except <11'.  That's a lot of guy grips.

Grant KZ1W

On 3/16/2016 17:10 PM, Kevin Stover wrote:
> If it was me the magic length would be how many steps to the telephone 
> or computer it takes to order some
> Phillystran and associated stuff and forget about 1/4" EHS, except for 
> the last 10 feet.

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