[TowerTalk] AN Wireless "cease and desist" letter

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sat May 7 00:45:46 EDT 2016

Date: Fri, 6 May 2016 13:28:44 -0700
From: Jerry Gardner <jerryw6uv at gmail.com>
Cc: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] AN Wireless "cease and desist" letter

> ##  and here I thought my re-bar cage + 17 yards was nuts for my  UST
> HDX-689.
> Your  11 x 11 x 6 =  26.9 yards =  54 tons of concrete.  Maybe your
> engineer did not like
> the loamy soil ?   IMO, it would not have gone anywhere with the
> prescribed AN
> 10 x 10 x 5 base... they already spec for sandy soil conditions.

My soil is hard-packed adobe clay, not loamy or sandy soil.

##  ur Peng is nuts.  With hard packed clay, the last thing u need is
more concrete.   I have hard clay here too.  hole is  7 x 7 x 9 deep.
had to do the last tiny bit by hand..since the small back hoe on tank treads
was maxed out  a few inches b4 the 9 ft. 

## when I was up north  from 79-89.... We hit this stuff called blue clay...but that
was only once we were down 4 ft.   Hole was  6 x 6 x 6.    The small back hoe actually
broke the chassis rail on one side, trying to get the rock hard blue clay out.   It would not
budge with the small digger scoop on the front..it would lift the tires right off the ground ! 
So plan b was to push down at back end of back hoe... by pushing the large wide scraper scoop
into the ground.  that’s when the side rail snapped.  hell of a time getting it out of my back yard,
with temp clamps  etc.   With that blue clay... concrete is not much better, except for the weight.  

## To get the last 2 ft out... the way I got it out was to  soak it with water at bottom of hole, to make sludge
then shoveled sludge by hand into buckets.  then kept repeating the process.  

##  Ok at least u are now ready for armagedon.....or a direct hit from a hell fire missile.   If the winds blow
hard enough, u lose the yagis 1st, then the tower folds over just below the top.  The base wont budge.

Jim  VE7RF

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