[TowerTalk] PL259 Connectors Part 2

Timothy A. Holmes taholmes160 at gmail.com
Mon May 9 17:35:24 EDT 2016

In addition to the recommendations from the previous e-mail about the 
best brand / kind of PL259 connectors, I would also like to ask how is 
the best way to attach them to the coax (including the different sizes 
of coax I am likely to encounter)

I am trying to achieve a long lasting, water tight installation that I 
wont have to mess with for many many years.

For a long time, I have soldered them, but i have around a 25% failure 
rate, which could be due to my soldering skills, or to technique.

I have also read some about crimping on the connectors, which I have NO 
experience, but if its better than soldering, I'm open to it, but I 
Really need some instructions / links etc.


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